Max Rubin
Expert and author, known for media reporting about gambling events and exposing weaknesses in the casinos’ comp systems.
Max Rubin
Max is the author of Comp City first published in 1994. In this book, Max exposed techniques even non-counting players could use to get an advantage over the casinos by exploiting weaknesses in the casinos’ comp systems.
The initial manuscript for Comp City included advanced comp-hustling techniques that could be used by professional card counters, but the editors at Huntington Press decided to delete this section from the book in order to appeal to the wider market of recreational players. These excluded portions were published in Blackjack Forum in June, 1994, and can be found now in the Blackjack Forum Library.
Max Rubin was the impetus for both the annual Blackjack Ball, a secret invitation-only affair for professional gamblers, and the Blackjack Hall of Fame, which is physically located at the Barona Casino in Southern California. Max knows virtually everybody in the professional gambling community and has worked with many of the Hall of Famers in team efforts to beat the casinos. He is one of very few experts on the game who has managed through decades to be an “insider” within both the casino industry and the advantage player community.